Bacup Holy Trinity Stacksteads C.E. Primary School
Initial enquiries should be made to Mrs Singleton or Mrs Fitton in the school office on 01706-877025.
Our address is: Booth Road, Stacksteads, Bacup, Lancashire, OL13 0QW
Our telephone number is 01706 877025
Our Headteachers are Mr Aspin (Mon- Weds) and Mrs Burns (Thurs and Fri)
Our Deputy Headteacher is Mrs Burns
Our DSL is Mrs Walsh
Our SENCo is Miss Fogarty (supported by Mrs Gorman)
If you would like to email us, please use the Contact Form.
Our school day runs from 9am - 3:30pm. Doors open at 8:45am.
If you need to contact the school office, please ring 01706 877025 (8:30am - 4pm) or email
Thank you