Welcome to Reception
Read With Me!
We would like to invite you to read with your child at school before or after school
8.45-9.00am, 3.30-3.45pm
Everyone welcome, every day!
Mrs Gorman- Assistant Headteacher/ EYFS Leader/ Class teacher
Mrs Thompson- Teaching assistant
Mrs Turner- Teaching assistant
Miss Ritchie- Teaching assistant
Mrs Cronshaw - Teaching assistant
P.E or Forest
P.E will be every Tuesday. Children must come to school in their P.E kit.
Plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. Earrings must be removed on PE days before school.
Forest school will be every Thursday. Children must come to school in warm, waterproof clothes with wellies. This maybe cancelled depending on the weather & the safety of the children.
Please check the school app for alerts and reminders when your child will be taking part in these sessions.
Maths will be set on Busy things every Friday to be completed the following week.
Phonics will be set on Busy things every Friday to be completed the following week. Weekly flashcards will be sent to practise at home.
Children will be given their own reading books which will be set to their phonetic ability. Two books will be sent home every Monday, one of these will be familiar to the children to support their confidence & fluency.
Please send their reading bag everyday.
The children will change their library book every Friday.
Dates for your diary:
Nursery Rhyme Singalong Thursday 21st November 9am
EYFS Christmas Crafts Wednesday 27th November 2pm
Parents Meetings Wednesday 4th December pm
Christmas Fair Thursday 5th December after-school
Elf Day Friday 13th December
EYFS Christmas Party Wednesday 18th December
EYFS Nativity Thursday 19th December 9.30am or 2.30pm
Please pop in to read with us, any day 8.45-9am, 3.30-3.45pm!
What are we learning about?
Early Maths
Phonics and Early Reading
Please check your children's reading diary for their username and password
Phonics: We will start to robot talk using these sounds eg c-a-t = cat
Email: eyfs@stacksteads.lancs.sch.uk