Welcome to the web page for classes 5L and 5S
The staff working in Year 5 are:
Miss Lougheed - Class Teacher
Mrs Say - Class Teacher
Mrs Walsh - Teaching Assistant
Miss Sutcliffe- Teaching Assistant
Miss Hall - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Schofield - Teaching Assistant
Mr Stanton - Teaching Assistant
The Year 5 email address is: y5@stacksteads.lancs.sch.uk
P.E. is every Thursday and is taught by Mrs Say and Mr Stanton. Children should come to school in their P.E. kit and trainers/pumps. Plain t-shirt and plain shorts with their school jumper are to be worn.
Maths and spelling homework is given out every Friday and should be returned the following Friday.
Some weeks there may be extra homework based on something they have been taught earlier that week or term. This is also due in on Friday.
Homework is expected to be handed in every week. Spare copies are always available and the children will know where these are kept.
Please encourage your child to engage in their homework and to complete it to the best of their ability.
Children are expected to read at home for 20 minutes every day.
Dates for your diary
Spring term 2 begins - Monday 24th February
We are reading:
The Viking Boy by Tony Bradman
Half term curriculum map:
If you were unable to attend our meet the teacher session, please refer to the slides below
Here are some useful websites that you can use at home:
Times Tables Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com/
Bug Club https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 (The school code is bacu)
IDL https://idlsgroup.com/ (Not all of you have a login for this - if it is you then you know about it!)