Welcome to the web page for classes
4B (Mrs Baron) and 4M (Mr Morris)
The staff that are working in Year 4 are:
Mrs Baron - Class Teacher
Mr Morris - Class Teacher
Mrs Walsh - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs Schofield - Teaching Assistant
Miss Hall - Teaching Assistant
Mr Stanton- Teaching Assistant
The Year 4 email address is: y4@stacksteads.lancs.sch.uk. Please note that this is not monitored regularly and your first point of contact should be the school office on 01706 877025 or the class teacher.
PE is every Friday and will be taught by Mr Stanton and Mrs Baron. Children are to come to school in their PE kit and trainers. Plain t-shirt and plain shorts with their school jumper are to be worn. Earrings should not be worn on PE days - they need to be removed for PE lessons. Please note that staff are not allowed to assist with the removal of earrings.
Swimming is on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure your child has a swimming bag with: one-piece swimming costume (2-piece costumes are not permitted) or swimming trunks (not surf/cargo shorts) and towel. Children with long hair (girls or boys) will need to wear a swimming cap. Goggles are not required unless they are prescription goggles. Earrings should not be worn on swimming days - they need to be removed for swimming. Please note that staff are not allowed to assist with the removal of earrings.
Maths and spelling homework will be given out every Friday and should be returned the following Friday.
Some weeks there may be extra homework based on something they have been taught earlier that week or term. This is also due in on a Friday.
Homework is expected to be handed in every week. Spare copies are always available and the children will know where these are kept.
Please encourage your child to engage in their homework and to complete it to the best of their ability.
Reading books should be brought into school daily. Children are expected to read for 20 minutes every day at home.
Year 4 Dates for your diary
For further details and the full school calendar, please see the Home page. Additional dates are included on the weekly newsletter.
Here is an overview of what the children in Year 4 will be learning this half term.
Please find below links to maths games
Click the link
Hit the button - doubles, halves, number bonds, multiplication tables
BBC Bitesize Defenders of Mathmatica
Key websites to use:
Times Table Rockstars:
Bug Club:
Science Experiments at home:
Top Marks: