Bacup Holy Trinity Stacksteads C.E. Primary School

Welcome to the Holy Trinity Stacksteads C.E.P.S. Website

Maths is full of essential information, from using money to telling the time and knowing about shapes to knowing how to add, subtract, multiply and divide.  Using real-life problems is an excellent way to show pupils the validity of their maths knowledge and how it fits into the world around us.

White Rose Maths Yearly Overviews

EYFS -Year 6

Please note that some topics may continue into the next half term. 

White Rose Maths

This is another exciting year at Holy Trinity as we continue our Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach whilst using a new method of White Rose Maths (Version 3) to support our journey. 

Using their philosophy and teaching resources, we are building a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress.

It was chosen as it will be a whole-school primary maths programme that will provide everything we need to support an approach to teaching and learning mathematics which is greater in depth and meets the expectations of the National Curriculum.

All ages (where necessary) will be hands on using a range of manipulatives including base 10 and place value counters as they learn and build on their knowledge of mathematical concepts.

Not all objectives are taught using the White Rose Maths scheme.  Teachers are able to decide if using White Rose Maths is the best approach to a particular objective.  Occasionally, they may opt to use a different approach that suits the children better. 



At the end of each unit of work there will be a mini assessment.

Key Stage 2 will also undertake White Rose Maths assessment at the end of the Autumn and Spring Term.


What maths looks like at Holy Trinity. 

Flashback 4

Children start their day by completing 4 maths questions called 'Flashback 4'.  These are questions from White Rose Maths based on what they have been taught previously to ensure skills are practiced and revisited in a timely manner. 

We aim to make all our maths lessons as interactive and exciting as possible.  All the children are able to use resources such as numicon, multi-link cubes, number lines and counters to help them understand the maths they are learning.  

Pre-teach or practice session plus arithmetic skills

Children will take part in either a practice session to reinforce key skills or a teacher-led pre-teach session at the beginning of the maths session.  This is also the time to practice their times tables. and other year group arithmetic skills. 

Main lesson

 The main part of the lesson is split between teacher-led activities, whiteboard activities and group work.  The children are exposed to lots of examples and worked through questions using the resources to help them.  They will also encounter 'Tiny the Turtle' to help him identify where he has gone wrong!

Once the children are confident with the maths they have been learning, they will independently apply their knowledge to their own work by way of a challenge activity to consolidate and vary their learning. 

There will also be a linked Reasoning or Problem Solving question to allow the children to make relationships and links with their learning. 

Homework is usually a consolidation of what they have been learning about in class. 

If you have any questions about what the children are learning, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or myself via the school office.

Mr Morris

This is the National Curriculum document for Maths.

 PRIMARY national curriculum Mathematics.pdfDownload
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On Friday 3rd February 2023, we are helping the NSPCC to raise money whilst having fun with numbers!  

Each class will take part in a TT Rockstars Battle and enjoy other maths based activities.

Children can also dress up if they wish as a number or anything to do with maths!  The 'fine' for this is £1.

Take a look at the pictures below for some ideas!


Thank you

Mrs Burns

Thank you to everyone who donated.  We raised £138.  Well done!

Last year we raised over £200 for the NSPCC - a huge thank you to everyone who part! Well done!


1-Minute Maths

Now available on The App Store or Google Play.  

How does it work?

1-Minute Maths offers children engaging and easily accessible practice in basic number. There’s no specific route or starting point. Having chosen a topic, each user answers a series of randomly generated questions (a different set of questions every time means they learn the concept, not a sequence of answers).

When the one minute’s up, the questions are automatically marked and presented on a breakdown screen, giving instant feedback on how they’ve done. If they’re struggling with a question, a ‘Hint’ button reformats the question as a familiar manipulative display that mirrors the approaches used in the White Rose Maths schemes of learning. 


If you would like to know more about White Rose Maths, please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher or Mr Morris (Maths Subject Leader). Alternatively you can click the link below. 

Thank you 


Helpful hints sheets to help children with their maths

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Key Learning in Mathematics

Year 6 White Rose Maths Booklets to use at home

 Y6-HL-Autumn-Block-2-Four-operations-B-2020 (1).pdfDownload
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Year 5 White Rose Maths Booklets to use at home

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Year 4 White Rose Maths Booklets to use at home

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Year 3 White Rose Maths Booklets to use at home

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Year 2 White Rose Maths Booklets to use at home

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Year 1 White Rose Maths booklets to use at home

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Mathsbot game

Click the link below to test your maths knowledge


Maths online questions

Multiplication Tables Check

Websites to help Year 4 children prepare for the multiplication tables check.

Maths Dictionary - An online maths dictionary for children. 


Image result for tt rock stars

Your child will have their TT Rock Star details in the front of their reading record. 

You can access the games via the internet or download the app from the App store or from Google play. 

Children can log on and play the games linked to their times tables.

We will also be using the app in school.

The aim is for the children to become more confident and therefore quicker at answering their times table questions. 

TT Rock Stars - click here to access the website on a computer or tablet. 


It is so important that all children know their times tables.  It will help them in all areas of maths, from fractions and decimals to division and ratio!  

Image result for numicon

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