Bacup Holy Trinity Stacksteads C.E. Primary School

Welcome to the Holy Trinity Stacksteads C.E.P.S. Website

Have a look at what fun we have been up to in our forest school!

See the source imageThis week we read 'Bear Hunt' and enjoyed the actions!

Then we went on a Spring hunt through the swishy, swashy grass to look for deep, dark caves! We found a few animal holes and homes, and some new spring buds.


We made mud paints to paint pictures of the minibeasts in our forest. 

We made rubbings using leaves, acorns, tree bark and sticks. 

Image result for room on the broom

We read 'Room on the Broom' and made our own 'TRULY MAGNIFICENT BROOM!''

 We made Gruffalo crumble and cooked this over our campfire. We then feed the  mouse, snake and owls  in the woods.